Just keep running...


I must be doing something right

Okay, I've had two people in the last week tell me that my face looks thinner. I guess that means I really am on the right track. I am usually able to best notice differences in my weight by looking at my face as well. I know the bigger target is my gut, but no matter how much (or how little) I weigh, it always looks the same to me. I graduated boot camp at 180 pounds and I thought my stomach was big. I've been as heavy as 230 and I KNEW my stomach was big, but it didn't look to me like it was 50 pounds bigger. Is that a perspective problem? Have I just become so used to my flabby sides that I just assume I'll always have this body image? Well, I have 20 weeks left before I put my workout regimen to the ultimate test: what will SHE think about it?


I think I'm off a bit

Okay, so I just updated my ticker but I don't think it's accurate. I added in 9 1/2 miles for the last two days and then I just noticed that I hadn't posted an entry in over a week. I'll leave it where it is for now and just try to be better at keeping my stats updated. Speaking of stats... I've somehow become the book keeper at our softball games. So now it's up to me to make sure everyone's averages are accurate. That's fine, but if the book says you went 1 for 4 with a fielder's choice, don't tell me you went 2 for 4. It's not the same thing.

Just keep running... Just keep running...



It's been an interesting week for PT out here. We had a good sand blast early this week and then today I ran to the gym through the rain. Huh?! I thought I was in a desert! Then I remembered that a desert is any region that receives less than 10 inches of rain in a year. Well, that means there could be some rain, just not very much.

I've also decided that my shoes are too small. My toes push against the toe of my shoe from the moment I put them on. This does not leave any room for my feet to swell while I'm running. I guess that would explain the MASSIVE blisters I've been getting on my toes while I run. I'll just have to remember to use my foot powder (thank you, community grab box) and try to air out my feet as much as I can, which isn't very much.

Still, I managed to put some miles on my feet four times this week, including two "monster cardio" days. I think it's starting to work because my belt has more of a "tail" on it than it did when I came over here.

Have a good weekend! We have three softball games scheduled. I don't know if the weather will allow us to play though. We'll see.


modified plan of attack

Okay, so I've been trying to do a little bit every day. I haven't gotten up to a full six days a week yet, but I'm getting there. Yesterday I ran on a treadmill for about 3.5 miles and then hit the bike for another 8 miles. That was 30 minutes each machine. I added that to the miles I ran last week and came up with the total of 25 miles so far this deployment.

I'm going to try something new this week. I did pure cario yesterday. Today I'll try to do all three workouts (upper body, lower body, abs) and try that for a couple of weeks. That'll give me three cardio workouts a week (M/W/F) and two weight training days (T/Th) and leave the weekend open for softball, swimming, or whatever. If this works, it'll be more sustainable as it will allow me to continue the cycle after I get home and keep the weekends open for the family, like they should be.