Just keep running...


Holy Cow!

Holy Smokes, it's May!

I weighed in last Wednesday. I am officially 5 pounds overweight. On the plus side, that's a lot better than I thought I would do. I guess the running is paying off after all. I hope so. I can already tell that I'm going to need new shoes when I get home. And, PJ, I am NOT talking about those squared off brown shoes you always try to get me to buy. :-)

I've been working my arms and shoulders on T/Th to compliment the running and break up the routine. I've actually been able to run a couple of simulated 10K races out here. Granted, they were on the treadmill at the gym, but the computer says I picked up my feet enough times to simulate running over 6 miles at a time. Wow! I'm trying to get up to a 1/2 marathon by the time I get home. I want to run the Horno Ridge Run when I get home. That's a 10K, but then maybe I could consider the Rock 'n Roll marathon next year. Hmmmmm...

1 comment:

victoria said...

hey i dont know you but i googled a way to get military addresses and once it got there just started pushing different things and somehow got here and saw that one of ur interests is church so here goes my church (The Church of West Mountain in Gilmer, Tx) started a new ministry called F.A.A.W. (Forever admiring and writing) and im trying to get addresses to men and women in iraq, afghanistan, and anywhere else they r to start writing letters to let them know we do care and show them what God's love is all about if you have some addresses please let me know if you would like to talk to me a bit first (and PLEASE PRAY ABOUT IT FIRST AND SEE IF THIS IS GODS WILL FOR YOU TO DO) my email address is tori498681@yahoo.com